Hi Thomas,

In December last year I emailed you and Ilya:
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working through tidying up permissions 
> conflicts that have been caused by the fact that PAUSE now consider package 
> names case insensitively (due to case-insensitive filesystems, as on Windows 
> and MacOS X). PAUSE doesn’t let these situations occur now, but we have some 
> historical cases. I’m sorting these out so that we don’t need code in the 
> toolchain for dealing with permissions conflicts.
> Thomas (THOGEE) has first-come permissions on MP3::TAG::ID3v1 (which was 
> released as part of tagged 0.1 in 2000), and on MP3::Tag::ID3v1 (which was 
> released as part of MP3-Tag 1.13 by ILYAZ in September 2016). Ilya has 
> co-maint on both packages.
> I suspect that the right way to resolve this is:
> drop all your permissions on MP3::TAG::ID3v1
> delete the tagged-0.1 release from Thomas’s author directory, just so there’s 
> no chance someone could pick up the wrong module

Are you happy for me to do this?


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