On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 06:13:24PM +0100, Arthur Bergman wrote:
> >    Last week I tried to get response from this modules list, but there
> >    was none. I know you are all very busy, but I can't wait too much
> >    longer. Therefore, I now ask for the name space officially.
> I am not so sure I like the namespace, it feels kind of vague, can't it 
> fit under a descriptive existing top level namespace?
> (OTOH I am not sure why I think it's vague)

I think Pod::OO or Pod::OODoc is less vague and more helpful for what
this module does.  As MARKOV states:

    POD is a visual markup language, and therefore information is lost
    about what is being documented.  My syntax adds keywords like "=method",
    "=function", and "=overload" to what POD has.  It helps a lot with
    doumenting named parameters.

and it seems to me that this implies that OODoc is an extension that
inherits the POD syntax, instead of something entirely different.

I note that MARKOV has these comments on the Pod::OO namespace:

    * POD::OO, but it is not really POD although it has some simularities.
      So: it is not an Object Oriented POD at all.

But as it conforms to the POD specification's syntax, one can argue that
it is still POD, only enhanced.  From L<perlpodspec>:

    Pod content is contained in Pod blocks.  A Pod block starts with
    a line that matches <m/\A=[a-zA-Z]/>, and continues up to the
    next line that matches "m/\A=cut/" -- or up to the end of the
    file, if there is no "m/\A=cut/" line.
    A Pod parser may allow a way for particular applications to add
    to the above list of known commands, and to stipulate, for each
    additional command, whether formatting codes should be processed.

Personally, the name 'Pod::OO' sounds much more encouraging for other
module authors to try on (since it implies that it is compatible with
the POD syntax).


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