* name: Albert K. T. Hui * email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * homepage: http://avatar.deva.net/ * preferred user-ID: AVATAR * what I'm planning to contribute: IniFile.pm, an interface to MS-Windows style and Unreal style extended .ini files. * module description: Name DSLI Description Info ------------ ---- -------------------------------------------- ---- IniFile RdpO Interface to MS-Windows style .ini files AVATAR * where I have discussed some or all parts of my contribution publicly: IniFile.pm is a spin-off of the UmodPack project: http://umodpack.sourceforge.net/ It used to be bundled with the UmodPack distribution. -- Avatar
- request for PAUSE id B. Elijah Griffin
- Request for PAUSE ID Sander van Zoest
- Re: Request for PAUSE ID Ask Bjoern Hansen
- Re: Request for PAUSE ID Sander van Zoest
- Re: Request for PAUSE ID Ask Bjoern Hansen
- Re: Request for PAUSE ID Sander van Zoest
- Request for PAUSE id Lars Thegler
- request for PAUSE id Dave Lorand
- Request for PAUSE ID Brand Hilton
- Request for PAUSE ID Albert K T Hui
- Request for PAUSE ID tayers
- Request for PAUSE id Bron Gondwana
- Re: Request for PAUSE id Andreas J. Koenig
- Request for Pause ID John Cerney
- Request for PAUSE id Cory Johns
- Request for PAUSE id Jay Jarvinen
- request for PAUSE id James Baucom
- Request for PAUSE ID andy
- Request for PAUSE ID rny
- request for PAUSE id Richard Kilgore