Name:           Sander van Zoest
E-Mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Preferred ID:   SVANZOEST

I have been quite involved in the MP3 Audio, XML and Web space and have
written several modules (internal to work and in private) that I would
like to make available on CPAN.

First would be which has been discussed at and with the ID3 author Martin Nillson.

Module Name     DSLI    Description
MPEG::ID3v1Tag  MdpO    The ID3v1Tag routines are useful for setting 
                        and reading ID3v1 MPEG Audio Tags.  Just 
                        create an MPEG::ID3v1Tag Object with the 
                        path to the file of interest, and query any of
                        the methods below.

Here is some pod:

ID3Tag(3)      User Contributed Perl Documentation      ID3Tag(3)

       MPEG::ID3v1Tag - Retrieves/Sets ID3v1 Tags from an Audio MPEG.

         use MPEG::ID3v1Tag;
         $mp3_file = new MPEG::ID3v1Tag("filename.mp3");
         if($mp3_file->got_tag()) {
            $save_status = $mp3_file->save();

       The ID3v1Tag routines are useful for setting and reading ID3v1
       MPEG Audio Tags.  Just create an MPEG::ID3v1Tag Object
       with the path to the file of interest, and query any of
       the methods below.

       Print Full ID3 Tag
       To get a print out of all the header information (Default
       FileHandler), simply state the following

       Print Genre Chart
       With an optional number of columns argument (default is 3)
       this will return a list of genre numbers with their
       appropriate genre.

       Checking for the Existance of ID3v1 Tags
       There is a handy method named got_tag() that can be easily
       used to determine if a particular MPEG file contains an
       ID3v1 Tag.
         if $mp3_file->got_tag() {

       Viewing Tag Compontents individually
       There exist several methods that will return you the
       individual components of the ID3v1 Tag.

         $title     = $mp3_file->get_title();
         $artist    = $mp3_file->get_artist();
         $album     = $mp3_file->get_album();
         $year      = $mp3_file->get_year();
         $genre     = $mp3_file->get_genre();
         $genre_num = $mp3_file->get_genre_num();
         $comment   = $mp3_file->get_comment();

       Editing and Removing Tags
       Similar methods exist to allow you to change the
       components of the Tag, but none of the changes will
       actually be changed in the file until you call the save()
         $mp3_file->set_title("New Title");
         $mp3_file->set_artist("New Artist");
         $mp3_file->set_album("New Album");

         # Or use the genre numbers ->

       To remove an tag in its entirely just calling the
       remove_tag() method should work for you.

        $mp3_file->remove_tag() if $mp3_file->got_tag();

       You could access all the components directly for a read only loop such
       as the following
       foreach (sort $mp3_file->tag) {
           print "$_: " . $mp3_file->tag($_) . "\n"; 

Sander van Zoest                                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
High Geek                                                    (858) 623-7442, Inc.                                 
                Your premiere Music Service Provider (MSP) 

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