Well, I made some of the suggested tests, and here are the results.

I disconnected from the powerline every device except the monitor and 
then recorded from the satellite receiver (yes, the one with 35 meter 
long cable...): same results.

I tried with decimation 2: same results.

I tried with JPEG quality 80%: same results.

I tried with the new card, but with "streamer" instead of lavrec: same 

Right now I got a suspicion: I have a wireless keyboard (and mouse). 
Could it interfere in some way with the capture cards? And why this 
interference doesn't affect some colors?

Before go crazy, I will try with a standard keyboard and mouse, I should 
have one somewhere.

Best regards.

Mark Heath wrote:
> I've split this image into it's Y-U-V channels,
> There appears to be no noise in the chroma channels only the Luma  
> channel.
> This could be due to:
> * the chroma channels being half resolution, not enough resolution to  
> represent the noise pattern. (below the nyquist value)
> * the interference frequency is not high enough to cause colour shifts.
> Or due to JPEG compression.
> * notice that the noise falls cleanly within Macroblock boundaries.
> * the noise may be falling below the quantizable threshold in those  
> areas.  Thus not being encoded into the Macroblock.
> If you get to capture the image again, maybe do it at a very high  
> bitrate, so we don't see compression artifacts.
> I have seen this type of noise before, even recorded onto a digibeta  
> provided by Universal, but never looked into methods of removing it.
> Have you tried a bit of trial and error, to see if the noise goes away?
> * Turn off all electrical appliances.
> * Try the capture source closer to the computer.
> Mark
> --
> Check out my latest YUV tools at http://silicontrip.net/~mark/lavtools/
> On 08/03/2008, at 8:34 AM, Andrea Giuliano wrote:
>> Okay, you and Burkhard suspect radio interference. But you have not  
>> seen
>> the full pictures I sent to Bernhard Praschinger. In those picture you
>> could see that the pattern is not spread all over the frame: the  
>> trunks
>> of the trees, and the rocks too, are only affected very little, if  
>> even
>> not at all. Could an interference affect some colors and not other?  
>> I'm
>> not expert of interference, nor of colors, indeed?
>> So here is a link to one of those frames:
>> http://www.webalice.it/sarkiaponius/00000669.jpg
>> It's just 54K big. If you zoom around the trunks or the rocks you will
>> surely understand what I'm trying to say (sorry, my native language is
>> neapolitan, not english...)
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