Hi Andrea,
Since you mention that your camcorder, with the 1.2m S-Video cable,  
produces the same pattern, it is unlikely to be a source of external  
However you did mention you changed something recently inside your  
computer?  This change could be causing the interference.
Inside computer cases are horrible places to put any sort of analogue  
I'm not sure if it's possible, try moving the card to another  
computer.  I'm not sure if it's a software bug

On 10/03/2008, at 2:39 AM, Andrea Giuliano wrote:
By the way, Mark, can you explain to me how did you split the image  
YUV's channels? It's very interesting for me, but I could not find a  
to do that, due to my rather low level of practice.

As for YUV channels.

MPEG and JPEG file use YUV to store their colour information.
This allows for chroma subsampling, since our eyes are not as perceptive spatially to colour, as we are to brightness.
All the tools that this mailing list is based around operate in the  
YUV colour space.
Displaying this information in a meaningful way is another story  
For viewing, Photoshop's L-a-b colour mode is similar, I'm not quite  
sure if it's exactly the same but if you want to get a visual idea  
about the image it's pretty good.
I wouldn't see that it would be difficult to write a yuvtool to copy  
the chroma channels into the luma and show the video image this way.
Maybe include it in a set of video tools to display more engineering  
information about a yuv stream...
It wouldn't be hard to do, just need some motivation! :-)
Is anyone interested in such a tool?

View my latest yuvtools at http://silicontrip.net/~mark/lavtools/
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