On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Steven M. Schultz wrote:

        Hmmm, not sure if a release can be done a non-admin of the
        project.   I really really hate forked projects

Yes, forking should be the last thing to do of course.

        - better I think to leave it as a 'cvs version'

CVS is really nice, but only for the "upper-class nerds" who are used to compiling their own stuff.. :) I think SMILUtils is too important a project to be CVS-Only (TM), it should be available to anyone if possible.

As for myself, using CVS stuff is no problem, but still I try not to use CVS versions, unless a new release can be expected. When I use CVS versions, I can't share my video processing scripts with the rest of the world. When someone asks me: "Hey, can I have your script?", I have to tell them: "Sure, but the software it depends on is not included in your Linux distro".

But of course I can't help taking a peek at CVS features every now and then.. :)



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