On Mon, 8 Aug 2005, Steven M. Schultz wrote:

        And of course, the fingers got ahead of the brain (trying to
        get the mail out before a meeting starts ;))

>       NOW a simple
>               --with-avcodec
>       will look for the PKG-CONFIG file from ffmpeg.  But if you want to
>       build against the installed (perhaps shared) version then specify

        Sigh - that should have read:

>       build against the source (static) version then specify
>       the source tree location (where the .a and .h files are located) with
>               --with-avcodec=/usr/local/src/ffmpeg/libavcodec

        Other than that the instructions should work fine.  It's a pain, but
        not likely to improve given the attitude towards shared libraries
        of some of the projects involved.

        Steven Schultz

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