On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 09:19:51PM -0700, Steven M. Schultz wrote:
>       My concern is that there may be (if not today, then tomorrow) systems
>       for which 'unsigned int' is 64bits.

Data points: I've seen an old Cray Unix system where all types except
char were 64 bits.  And I believe there's current DSP compilers where
all types, including char, are 64 bits.

For regular desktops and servers, a 64-bit int would be very unusual.
Linux normally uses 32-bit int on 64-bit hardware, and I believe most
other Unix-like systems are doing the same.

>       The code seems to be going to a great deal of effort to determine ande
>       use the machine's natural (fastest) word/int length and changing that
>       to be 32 might not be optimal (or correct) for some systems.

C99 has "int_fast32_t" and "uint_fast32_t" types in <stdint.h>, which
are supposed to be set to the fastest integer types of at least 32
bits.  Of course if you're shoving the code through a C++ compiler, or
using some older C compiler, these might not be defined.

                                                  -Dave Dodge

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