On Tue, 3 May 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I can see a number of "sizeof (unsigned int)" which is clearly as you say to 
> adapt to 
> machine word size, but then the Limits.hh essentially defines a whole list of 
> templated 
> structures which contain only static member with details about fixed size 
> integers. 
> "unsigned int" is not included. I have search for Limits<unsigned int> to 
> find an instance 

        Right - and I think that is because one of those templates _matches_
        "unsigned int".  Somewhere perhaps there is a typedef that's tying
        things together.

        For example on a machine with a 64bit int the <uint64_t> entry will 
        match and be selected for use with "unsigned int".  On a 32bit system 
        the <uint32_t> entry will be used and so on.

> for unsigned int without succes. I presume it must exist if this code is to 
> adapt as you 
> suggest, or even to allow the code to compile under linux, but I cannot find.

        I think g++ is doing the adaptation somehow.

> As far as I can see the cygwin compiler baulks at the compound type " 
> unsigned int" as 
> you will notice the error reported "undefined reference to 
> `Limits<unsigned>::Bits"

        Well, I'm not a C++ expert but "unsigned int" was valid C++ (it's 
        definitely valid C ;)) I thought.

> I can now confirm that at least mplex works under cygwin compile.

        Progress - hurrah! ;)

        Steven Schultz

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