On Tue, 3 May 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Actually I was a little premature with my last post. There are a couple more 
> uses of 
> Limits<unsigned int> All are to provide constants for manipulation of 
> unsigned int bit 
> fields. I have appended a patch file for my current position. I still haven't 
> changed a 

        My concern is that there may be (if not today, then tomorrow) systems
        for which 'unsigned int' is 64bits.

        The code seems to be going to a great deal of effort to determine ande
        use the machine's natural (fastest) word/int length and changing that
        to be 32 might not be optimal (or correct) for some systems.

        For the moment 'uint32_t' will probably work but it sure would be nice
        to find out why the Cygwin g++ compiler/linker doesn't understand
        'unsigned int'.

> But I now have the whole mjpegplay tree compiling, but have not tested any 
> funcionality.

        Oh, so it's unknown if it actually _works_ :-)

> diff  cvs20050422\mjpeg_play\y4mdenoise\BitmapRegion2D.hh 
        "diff -u" is a better format for use with the 'patch' program - just
        something to keep in mind for the next time.

        Let us know how (if) it all works!

        Steven Schultz

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