>o With 4:2:0 material, you can't just re-label a
>stream from "top-field-first" to "progressive" or
>vice-versa: that will screw up the chroma planes.

Eh?  It was my understanding that the lines of the
top field were stored at even y indices, and the
lines of the bottom field were stored at odd y
indices, in the YCbCr data returned by
y4m_read_frame().  The code for y4m_read_fields()
certainly suggests that too.  Which means I don't
see how interpreting the data as a frame or as two
fields changes the storage format of chroma or
anything else.

>When you change the tag, you also have to
>resample the chroma, or it will get muddled by
>the next device/program that tries touches it.

Do we have a tool that does that, then?

Steven Boswell
ulatekh at yahoo dot com

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