>>LOL!  Worst file name ever!  :) Do you have a
>>"filt" tool to demangle that?
>Actually, it's quite apparrent what it means
>after looking at it for a couple seconds:

Also, since my filename is meant to represent the
processing pipeline, and said pipeline is described
earlier in the same file, I figured it would be
clear enough what all the pieces meant, but, hey,
maybe I could have made it more obvious ;-)

>maintaining that in a separate form (on paper or
>in a text file) just was way more hassle than
>simply encoding it into the filename.

I write a more verbose version of my recording
notes on the right quadrant of every CD/DVD I

>>And on windows, it would just become URGHA~1.MPG
>Myself, personally, I could care less what it (or
>what my own lengthy file names) become under
>windows, as I don't do windows.  :)

I second that!  :-) I only use Windows for tax
software and the occasional video game.

Steven Boswell
ulatekh at yahoo dot com

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