
        this seems like a simple question so i am sorry if it
has already been answered.  i have looked over the archives
earlier in the week, it is down right now, and the search function 
of sf archive's sometimes leaves me feeling lacking.


i have read the mpjpegtool manual,
under the 'creating mpeg2 videos' it states;
A  quality  factor  should  be chosen that way that the mplex output of
Peak bit-rate and average bit-rate differ by about 20-25%.  If the
difference is very small < 10%, it is very likely that you have done
something wrong. It is very likely that you have chosen  the  wrong 
values for the maximal bitrate or a quality factor that is too high.

i was wondering how i could determine the average bitrate. ??
ideally i would like program to tell me what it is.

i read where you can do the math to figure out what it was.
files size/ length of video = average rate ( basically )

my problem could be that i only have the mpeg files that already
have been mplexed with the audio in them.  i think that is messing
up my computations.

my basic goal is transfering DV tape to DVD, the tapes are home movies.
i want high quality, but dont want to be wastefull.  encoding time isnt
a real issue, because i am not in a hurry.



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