"Steven M. Schultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On clean material I didn't see the
need for the more aggressive value. For DV sources (from a
Digital8 camcoder) '-l 1 -t 6' is good, for captures from a good
source (laserdisc) '-l 2 -t 6'. The really bad sources such as VHS
get '-l 3 -t 4' (VHS is so low quality it's hard to tell the artifacts
from the original noise ;)).
I'd love to see a section in the MJPEG FAQ that had collected denoising experience like this. Lately I've been trying to compile such information myself -- actually, I've been denoising various sources using different techniques & doing my best to make some sort of intelligent observations based on the results. I haven't been getting very far. :-)
It seems like there should be enough people on this list with enough denoising experience to start such a section in the FAQ. Any takers?
Steven Boswell, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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