Out of curiosity what threshold (-t) and depth (-d) values did you
   use with yuvdenoise?  Or did you go with the defaults (5 and 3

I used your suggested parameters, actually. (I assume you meant -l?) :
yuvdenoise -r 24 -t 6 -l 2 -L 100 -C 110 -S 0
I use -C 110 because to my eyes yuvdenoise lowers the color saturation
(as well as shift the color a little bit).  

BTW - Did you lower -l to improve fast motion?  I noticed the default
value of 3 left artifacts when things moved too quickly.  Maybe
yuvdenoise should keep running averages of various lengths, and only
use the largest one that still makes it under the threshold.  That way
it could further adapt and really drive down the noise in static
scenes without hurting motion too much.

   Can I say "I told you so?" now? <grin>

You may.  Where do you think I got the idea?  :)

I just hadn't tried it out till now, and was very surprised that it
lowers the bitrate so much yet I'm not sure I could tell in a double
blind test - certainly NOT the case for yuvdenoise and
yuvmedianfilter.  Although my camera is so noisy in low light that I
need yuvdenoise just to make it look presentable.

Dan Scholnik

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