On Mittwoch, 12. März 2003 01:54 Steven M. Schultz wrote:

> > yuvdenoise -r 24 -t 6 -l 2 -L 100 -C 110 -S 0
> > I use -C 110 because to my eyes yuvdenoise lowers the color
> > saturation (as well as shift the color a little bit).

> The really bad sources such as
> VHS get '-l 3 -t 4' (VHS is so low quality it's hard to tell the
> artifacts from the original noise ;)).

>       "yuvmedianfilter -t 0 -T 4" (leave the luma unchanged and filter
>       only on the chroma) 

Can you tell me please, how I have to include the parameters above 
with transcode 0.6.3 on a Suse 8.1 system?

I use a syntax like 

transcode -i $i -V -y mpeg2enc,toolame -F 5,"-q $4 -g 6 -G 18 -S 
10000" -w "$2" -b "$3" -j 4,10,12,10 -J 
dilyuvmmx,yuvdenoise=sharpen=140,yuvmedian -Z 700x560 -Y -8,-2 -o 
"$mpgdir$basename"_"$2"_"$3"_"$4" -export_asr 2

which is described in 

So it should be yuvdenoise=radius=24:.....

My manpage for yuvdenoise describes only -v,-r,-I,-B,-b,-?

Also I would like to know, where I can find a manpage, howto or 
whatever for "yuvmedianfilter"  where the parameters above are 


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