On Sun, Dec 29, 2002 at 12:34:18PM -0800, James Klicman wrote:
> Hi Brian,

Hi James.

> I checked the numbers for 720x480 input which is DVD resolution.
>      Athlon 700Mhz
> DVD...........: 6.34 fps
> DVD Interlaced: 3.70 fps

Yeah, I seemed to have gotten it up to about 4fps or thereabouts,
simply by building all of the tools native on the machine they are
running on.

> You have the interlaced (-I 1) flag set. In this case,

Right.  Input is broadcast (cable) and output is to a television.

> 2 fps does not
> sound unreasonable for an Athlon 800Mhz considering that disk I/O and
> lav2yuv are going to slow things down.

So it seems.  It's just so disappointing.  I mean considering mp1e can
encode mpeg1 realtime @ 640x480 on this hardware, I was just hoping
for (a sight!) better than 2-4fps from mpeg2enc.  It makes me
seriously doubt the feasibility of MJPEG hardware encoding in favour
of MPEG2 hardware encoding, such as the Hauppage WinPVR 250 thingie.

Boy do I wish we North Americans were not so lame so as to suck up
whatever proprietary systems the cable and satellite vendors throw at
us.  DVB would be soooooo nice.


Brian J. Murrell

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