2010/12/10 Stuart VanZee <stua...@datalinesys.com>:
> I would have to agree that the people of the United States have lost
> some of their essential libertys.  The problem has been in defining what
> exactly ARE the essential libertys and then getting our congress and our
> president to keep their mitts off of them.  Still, I would argue that
> even now there are few places in the world where the people can enjoy
> liberty as freely as in the United States.

- the citizens of Baghdad and Teheran can vote their representatives;
  the citizens of Washington, DC can not.
- every us american citizen can be spied on or put away indefinitely
  without a court order just on the whim of the us president
- every us citizen is free to be unable to pay for the most basic
  medical services

Seems to be a very liberal und justified system indeed. And please
don't tell the rest of the world what democracy is: Why did GWB become


PS: Bonus: The united nations general assembly routinely appeals to
    all states to follow international law. Two states have always
    voted against that petition: Israel and the USA.
PPS: There is a consensus over the essential liberties:

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