> > Untill one is found guilty by court, any public occusations against him are
> > considered defamation (criminal activity on it's own).
> So you have to pay for due process?

Why? Either I don't understand Your point, or You don't understand mine. You
don't have to pay to report a crime to entitled public bodies.

> > So, according to legal regulations PayPal's activity towards Wikileaks 
> > account
> > should be brought to court as a defamation case.
> So you have to pay for due process?

In Russia it would be a criminal case, so the one to pay would be the
government. The civil case (damages due) could be run within criminal case or
afterwards, but it would be rather automated process, not a very big deal in
terms of mony.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

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