2010/12/5 Adam M. Dutko <dutko.a...@gmail.com>:
>> > Are you planning on having the OpenBSD development team perform some
>> > sort of illegal activity soon?
>> >
>> > If not, you shouldn't be worried about Paypal.
> You're discussing intent.  Intent is a tricky thing that in the past
> had to jump through hoops to prove in the (fed)nited States.  Now with the
> (un)Patriot Act and other legislation they can rely on the whole notion of
> "pre-crime."
> Seems like most of America is happy with "point and click" hegemony and I'm
> glad the Internet is trying to block the interrupts.

No, i think only US, because the most of the other countries have had
really bad experience under the external US politics. Among US, peple
could forgotten the McCarthyism.

In fact, the people in El Salvador who were responsible to assassinate
80,000 persons; were trained at La escuela de las Americas in US. ;
the rest of other Hispanic countries have had the same experience

In Canada, we can see the effect of insanity coming from US; bands and crime.

           Agr. francisco Quinonez.
      "Our mission, feed the World"
   "notre mission, nourrir au monde"
 "Nuestra mision, alimentar al mundo"

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