On 5 December 2010 17:05, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:
>> On Dec 4, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> > If you don't know why I am sending this mail.. you are reading US
>> > managed news, and need to much much more informed....
>> It's in the US news.  Even the mainstream news on TV.  At least in Silicon
>> Valley. ;-)
> No, it isn't in the US news.
> The US news is all about the messenger, to distract you from reading
> the message.
> If you think it is in the US news, you have a long way to go.
> guardian.co.uk/world is the best place to read the *message*.

I would love to witness the theory that people can bring about change
by voting with their dollars, but nowadays there never seems to be
enough willing to prove that a big enough dent can be made to bring
about positive change.  I fear that convenience matters more to a lot
of people than say a political adviser publicly calling for the
assassination of a messenger who is just communicating the wrong
doings of the most powerful against the weakest.

Still, I want to continue to hope and where possible at least try to
be the change I want to see in the World, as that saying goes.


1. login to eBay
2. Click the Profile tab
3. Click close account
4. Prove I am me
5. etc (wait for my last bloody transaction to complete before they
allow me to leave!)
6. Hopefully get presented with a "Why?" form so I can tell them to
burn in hell for selling out to the Worlds biggest and most dangerous
terrorist group.

My last donation recently to OpenBSD and the biggest since I started
using OpenBSD with 2.5 in 1999/2000, was via PayPal.  And I used
PayPal for lots of other things for years.  My next donation will be
via other means.


Shane J Pearson


When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one
by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.

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