> > >>>>> "Theo" == Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> writes:
> >
> > Theo> If you don't know why I am sending this mail.. you are reading US
> > Theo> managed news, and need to much much more informed....
> >
> Assuming you're talking about PayPal freezing the WikeLeaks account,
> Assange could only have been looking for publicity, as nobody but a total
> idiot would use PayPal for such a political hot potato!


    "Since 2007 we have been deliberately placing some of our servers in
    jurisdictions that we suspected suffered a free speech deficit in
    order to separate rhetoric from reality," Assange said on Friday
    during a live chat on The Guardian's website. "Amazon was one of these

The paypal situation is likely similar.  I bet that account which was
seized -- WITHOUT DUE PROCESS -- probably being continually simphoned
empty by wikileaks, therefore it can also demonstrate a 'due process

I'm sorry, but is my bet that a failure of due process which affects
you much more personally will eventually happen since you live there.
I am not attacking you in any way.  But it is poor style to mock those
who, simply as a side effect, manage to demonstrate that the right of
law is not being followed.

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