Hence the question of having a powerful processor?

One Debian turns with a facility has gnC)nC)rique 800mhz, good work.
Processor mult-core 3.00ghz not utility for firewall and desktop.

On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 18:44:37 +0100, Kevin Chadwick <ma1l1i...@yahoo.co.uk>
>> I can also show you PIII systems that draw more than 300W, and I
>> discarded one a while ago that probably could have maxed out at well
>> over 500w.
> I was shocked to find my nforce board draws around 130 watts, when
> it's switched OFF!!!!!!! and with the new graphics card can push upto
> 700 watts
> And No, I'm not kidding
> Needless to say, I now have a multitap with switch on my desk as the
> power button.
> p.s. People should be aware that, ARM and atom have met similar ground
> for speed but they are like risc chips and usually a 500mhz does half
> the work of a full/non emulated instruction set chip also at 500mhz.
> Check out atom on wikipedia for more info.
> Risc chips in phones etc. do even less work per cycle.


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