On 16 feb 2010, at 12.07, Bret S. Lambert wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 11:44:12AM +0100, Per-Olov Sj?holm wrote:
>> See my post to Peter H. You obviously have not worked with security
> Why? Because I'm unwilling to endorse your preferred approach?
>> and the tradeoffs you _always_ have to make.
> Yes, you make tradeoffs, but you're asking for obscurity, not security.
> It's a very important distinction to make, which you don't seem to be
> doing.
>> If you don't have anything to come up with, don't bother to post.
> Okay, I'll bite:
> You're trying to solve this at the wrong layer.
> You're trying to use IP obfuscation.
> You should be looking for HTTP authentication instead.

There is no authentication available in most RSS clients. If it was, i would
of course prefer or at least consider that. I am not that stupid you know.

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