On 16 feb 2010, at 11.57, Stuart Henderson wrote:

> On 2010-02-16, Per-Olov Sj?holm <pe...@incedo.org> wrote:
>> The reason is to use and RSS reader that cannot autenticate. I want some
>> of security for it even though it's not critical.
> https://some.host/super-sekrit-password-here/feed.rss gives more
> security than trying to use a web browser (which is highly likely
> to be proxied and logged by the carrier) as a port-knocking client.

that could be better... right..

> And with port-knocking, how do you even know the subsequent
> connection will be (natted to the same source address || coming
> from the same http proxy)?

I know it does from phones connecting thought the operators own network (at
least in sweden) and home broadband connected computers. But i don't from
stationary computers not sitting at home.


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