> > There is a way to do port knocking in pf without any external help. Maybe
> > you can figure it out. I will not give more hints since port knocking is a
> > dumb idea better spend your time reading on authpf(8).
> >
> > --
> > :wq Claudio
> >
> How do you use authpf from a IPhone or similar...
> The reason is to use and RSS reader that cannot autenticate. I want some sort

An RSS reader that can't authenticate, but can ping a series of TCP/IP ports?

> of security for it even though it's not critical. Therefor I want to just have
That word you keep using...I don't think it means what you think it means.
Unless you've got a mechanism to randomize the ports on every port-knocking
attempt, you're essentially using a plaintext password on the internet.

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