On 12/02/2010, at 11:24 AM, Claudio Jeker wrote:
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 03:07:28PM -0500, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
On 2/11/10 2:46 PM, Henning Brauer wrote:
disk i/o is irrelevant. you will need a very very very fast opengl
capable graphics card with loads of memory of course.
I am sure I am missing something big here, but Fast Video Card with
OpenGL for router? Are you trying to look live every packets routed
If I may asked Henning, please give me a clue stick as that part I
really do not understand what so ever. No bunt intended, I just do
not understand that at all, please help me get it? What Video have
to do with routing?
Henning, I told you, we should not talk about unfinsihed projects.
We planned to announce this in exactly 7 weeks. Anyway, to late, the
is out of the bag.
So Henning and Oga are working at offloading pf into the graphic card
cores by using the DRI interface. The shader will evaluate the ruleset
and packets in parallel and use the graphic memory for the state table.
Additionally if the speed of one card is not enough you can use SLI or
crossfire to use multiple cards in parallel.
:wq Claudio
It is just a 3-line diff
They must be hellish lines if it takes 7 weeks to write just three of
them ...