On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Thanasis wrote:

As I said, the compilation didn't need anything special, except perhaps
using gmake instead of make.
That's all.
So, it's minimum effort for someone experienced with the ports system
and with the Makefile(s) to put it in.

So, I have to respond.  This is the most "Give Me, Give Me, Give Me"
response I've heard in awhile.

First you have problems and ask for help, plenty of people chime in
with ideas, then you get it working, then someone suggests you give
back to the project because to them, and perhaps the commuunity,
it appears OpenBSD is useful to you.  You decline, suggesting it's
a minimum effort for someone experienced with the posts system.

How do you think these projects work?  People sitting on the their
ass and expecting someone else to do things.

This is why I quit trying to help people on misc@, to much give me,
not enough give back.

not a g.day


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