on 06/11/2009 05:48 PM Diana Eichert wrote the following:
> On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Thanasis wrote:
>> on 06/11/2009 02:03 AM Thanasis wrote the following:
>>> Thanks Diana. I checked the pinout of the DB25-Male to DB9-Female, and
>>> also that of the gender changer and they appear good as far as
>>> continuity exists between the pins as shown on the site you mention.
>>> :-)
>>> I also checked the continuity between the ends of the black serial
>>> cable
>>> supplied by APC, and for the record, it is like so:
>>> APC cable (940-0024D) pinout:
>>> DB9 Female (PC side) <---> DB9 Male (UPS side)
>>> pin 2 <------------------> pin 2
>>> pin 3 <------------------> pin 1
>>> pin 5 <------------------> pin 9
>>> All other pins are not connected.
>>> So, now I believe my problem is not hardware but software related.
>>> I'll post any successful results from tests of other software.
>> I downloaded the latest version of apcupsd from http://www.apcupsd.com
>> (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=54413)
>> and compiled and installed with gmake. Straightforward.
>> Communication with the UPS perfect from the first trial.
>> :-)
> Glad to hear you got things working.
> Now you ought to consider creating an updated OpenBSD port for apcupsd.
> This would be a great contribution back to the project.
> g.day
As I said, the compilation didn't need anything special, except perhaps
using gmake instead of make.
That's all.
So, it's minimum effort for someone experienced with the ports system
and with the Makefile(s) to put it in.