On 12:09, Mon 29 Dec 08, Jonathan Thornburg wrote:
> So... can anyone with a {T60,T60p,T61,T61p} clarify specifically
> * your exact IBM model number?

Type: 6466-55G
Intel graphics, intel gbit nic, intel 54mbit wireless
OpenBSD anima.vanbaak.info 4.4 GENERIC.MP#2042 amd64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU 
T7100 @ 1.80GHz

> * whether it's APM or ACPI?


> * whether it's i386 or amd64?

You can run both the i386 and amd64 variant on it.

> * what OpenBSD version you're using?

I'm running the latest amd64 snapshot on it.
Started with 4.4 amd64 (which worked fine) and upgraded to latest
snapshot on Dec 24

> * whether suspend-to-RAM works?



Michiel van Baak
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x71C946BD

"Why is it drug addicts and computer aficionados are both called users?"

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