> IBM laptops have an excellent record for reliability and support, plus 
> one of the best keyboards you can get. Not cheap though. It's also worth  

BZZZZZT not everyone agrees.  I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate
hate hate hate IBM laptop keyboards.  In fact I hate them so much that
it is the single reason I would never ever consider and IBM laptop.  The
esc key is in the wrong spot an so are the arrow keys.  10 minutes on it
and I am ready to eat kittens.  And do get me even started on the
retarded joystick thing.

This is obviously personal because the opposite sentiment exists as
well.  Just wanted to point out that it was very silly to make such a
broad statement.

> mentioning that the T series have both the p (professional, discrete  
> graphics, possibly other faster stuff) and non p (integrated graphics)  
> series. Not really an issue unless you need OpenGL or games, though.

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