Hello, I will open another well known topic for misc list: laptop acquisition. I did some research on the list's emails but I'm not fully satisfied. I want to buy a laptop (second hand is my first choice). I want some strong point on it, reliability - I want to use it for a long time (excluding battery) so I don't need broken hdd, excessive heat, noise, etc. I don't need performance, I will use it only for some pdf read and browsing. Maybe some programming, but not much and not heavy compile actions for sure. So a P4 1.6 - 2GHz cpu is fine, 512MB of ram and maybe 40GB hdd. No fancy video card is necessary. Ethernet cooper interface is mandatory. Good OpenBSD compatibility will be nice. The screen should be around 15", 17" as a suggestion only. >From what I saw, Lenovo/IBM X and T models are the first choice. I am also moved to DELL suite, but I don't have some experience with them.
Please send some suggestion here, in order of preferences. Remember, I need mostly reliability, I don't see myself bidding on ebay for parts to repair. Thank you for your time.