On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 10:50:47PM +0530, Karthik Kumar wrote: > On Jan 6, 2008 10:41 PM, Paul de Weerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 09:52:18PM +0530, Karthik Kumar wrote: > > | > Perhaps you're *USING* these 4 files to install the adobe flash player > > | > on your machine (your example a little bit later in this mail seems to > > | > indicate you have at least installed it). That's non-free software > > | > you've installed, but you are free to do so. Then, to you, those four > > | > small files are not so useless, are they ? > > | > > > | > > | Okay, I didn't install it. But it's like saying 'There is no proof > > | that the Makefiles won't work unless at least one person has installed > > | them and verified". In any case, I put forward the argument that the > > | Makefiles are useless because no single person has reported a > > | successful install with them. BooHoo! > > > > You are making an argument that Makefiles are useless when we are > > discussing the free-ness of OpenBSD. It doesn't have a lot to do with > > the subject at hand (again...), but there you go. > > You argued Makefiles are FREE. See ma, no .so in cvs.. etc. Now you > use ftp and download PowerPoint to test if the system works, and say: > hey. it's a free tool and I downloaded non-free. But just testing. But > it's a free tool, like uhm. make and Makefile s ... so I guess > everyone can use it to simply test if the non-free can be downloaded > with free tools. Is that what you're getting at, about the FREE > makefiles and their usefulness? Ah, okay; I understand you.
Makefiles *are* free. And yes exactly, no .so in cvs WHICH WOULDN'T BE FREE. Also no .so on the CDs because that would be, you know, NOT LEGAL. If anything is a free tool it is you. > > > > > > > I did, I tested the above procedure before sending my mail to the > > list. Doesn't mean I've used it, but if you think it's shameful to > > prove you wrong, I think that says more about you than about me. > > > > You're not proving me wrong. Whom are you kidding? You need to come to > terms with yourself. He did about 34958340958439058 times now. > > > > > You still have not shown any file in the OpenBSD cvs repository that > > is not free. You make gratuitous analogies that are completely > > irrelevant - try to stick to the subject, no analogies necessary. > > There's no cigarettes in OpenBSD, it's all free bits of software etc. > > > > Free bits of software which can download non-free bits = Harmless bits > of paper and tobacco which when lit and inhaled will cause cancer. > > If you feel the analogy is painful, tough luck bro. It isn't painful it is dumb. Your analogies are possibly worse than your arguments. > > I'm through talking to you here. I'm not going to reply to your posts again. Great!!!! > > -- > Karthik > http://guilt.bafsoft.net