On Jan 6, 2008 10:41 PM, Paul de Weerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 09:52:18PM +0530, Karthik Kumar wrote: > | > Perhaps you're *USING* these 4 files to install the adobe flash player > | > on your machine (your example a little bit later in this mail seems to > | > indicate you have at least installed it). That's non-free software > | > you've installed, but you are free to do so. Then, to you, those four > | > small files are not so useless, are they ? > | > > | > | Okay, I didn't install it. But it's like saying 'There is no proof > | that the Makefiles won't work unless at least one person has installed > | them and verified". In any case, I put forward the argument that the > | Makefiles are useless because no single person has reported a > | successful install with them. BooHoo! > > You are making an argument that Makefiles are useless when we are > discussing the free-ness of OpenBSD. It doesn't have a lot to do with > the subject at hand (again...), but there you go.
You argued Makefiles are FREE. See ma, no .so in cvs.. etc. Now you use ftp and download PowerPoint to test if the system works, and say: hey. it's a free tool and I downloaded non-free. But just testing. But it's a free tool, like uhm. make and Makefile s ... so I guess everyone can use it to simply test if the non-free can be downloaded with free tools. Is that what you're getting at, about the FREE makefiles and their usefulness? Ah, okay; I understand you. > > > I did, I tested the above procedure before sending my mail to the > list. Doesn't mean I've used it, but if you think it's shameful to > prove you wrong, I think that says more about you than about me. > You're not proving me wrong. Whom are you kidding? You need to come to terms with yourself. > > You still have not shown any file in the OpenBSD cvs repository that > is not free. You make gratuitous analogies that are completely > irrelevant - try to stick to the subject, no analogies necessary. > There's no cigarettes in OpenBSD, it's all free bits of software etc. > Free bits of software which can download non-free bits = Harmless bits of paper and tobacco which when lit and inhaled will cause cancer. If you feel the analogy is painful, tough luck bro. I'm through talking to you here. I'm not going to reply to your posts again. -- Karthik http://guilt.bafsoft.net