Ultimately it doesn't really matter but I love top posting because it
goes with the flow of using email. Usually when people hit reply they
start toping at the top of the email, not the bottom just because
thats about how most of the world uses email and you can keep the
other email replies in the bottom as a history incase you wanna go
back and read what you read earlier or whatever.
Bottom positing is fine also, just like top posting but it just
doesn't go with the flow of writing an email even though it just makes
it simpler for a new comer to read what's going on... They can start
at the top and work there way to the bottom in that order but it
doesn't flow when replying to emails since there is added work so I
think top posting is more natural and better.
Middle posting is just work. Its has the convenience that the reply to
your question is literally right under it but its a bit of work
chopping through the email to middle post everythng and usually after
a few emails down stuff gets lost because if you don't delete older
middle posts then it just makes the email harder and harder to read
and maintaining middle posted emails sucks.
Usually if people are replying top posting or bottom posting I try to
keep the flow of it however I'm not with middle posting just to make a
point or something I would just bottom post in a middle posted email.
But seriously though, people who get super pissed and start banning/
blocking people or whatever for top posting really need to get a life.
This is just email!!! This is not a newspaper, magazine, or some kinda
professional column or something, jebus...
Anyways I'm gonna end this rant now and probably gonna get flamed
right? Like I said earlier, this is probably the only mailing list out
of 15 other ones that I'm subscribed to who makes an issue about top
posting. I swear stop acting like damn communist and let people reply
however is more convenient to them. This is the free world! LOL! I
reply to tons of emails all day from work, friends, other mailings
lists, etc and I am one of those people who don't have time to middle
post everything I reply to. I wouldn't mind bottom posting if thats
the way the flow was like I said earlier but if it isn't that already
then I'm gonna top post to keep it simple.
KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid... I think some of you guys forgotten that.
- Jake
On Dec 8, 2007, at 12:03 AM, Antti Harri wrote:
On Fri, 7 Dec 2007, Jake Conk wrote:
For instance, I never knew there was a difference between top/
middle/and bottom posting!
Now that you do know the difference, why do you keep top-posting?
A: Because it messes up the order in which people read text.
Q: Why does top-posting make it difficult?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is something that makes email communication difficult?
(From someone's signature)
Antti Harri