On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 04:28:27PM -0800, Greg Thomas wrote:

> So why bother posting that???

on my laptop i use screen. every machine i use
(netbsd, openbsd, debian..) has its console there,
so i can talk to each machine and each os from
one machine with ease. when i did post that line,
i thought it did come from the openbsd's fstab
my mistake

> And what has that to do with /tmp on mfs anyway?

my netbsd and openbsd boxes all have their /tmp
on mfs.

openbsd misc is really unique. someone asks for 
help, you try to help and for each person you try
to help you get twice or more morons who make
remarks to you instead of spending time helping like
you're trying.

c'est hallucinant de voir que l'un des meilleur os
disponibles rassemble autant de connards pretentieux
qui ont rien d'autre a fouttre que d'emmerder les
gens qui tentent d'apporter de l'aide aux autres.
vous avez que ca a fouttre bande de cons.

unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; find ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ;
yes ; fsck ; umount ; sleep

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