On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 03:06:05PM -0800, Jake Conk wrote:

> Ok so I added that entry and it worked fine except for one problem and that 
> is root only had permissions to write to that directory so some services 
> did not start up properly. I then gave the /tmp directory 0777 with chmod 
> and rebooted my machine but it set it back to rwxr-xr-x...
> How do I have it so that anyone can write to the directory when the 
> computer starts up?

In my fstab I have :

/dev/cgd0b  none    swap  sw          0 0

And my /tmp appears as this :

drwxrwxrwt   3 root  wheel      512 Dec  7 23:06 tmp/

the rights really appear different on my disk.

your line in the fstab looks good to me :/

i think it looks like the one in the openbsd faq

try chmod 1777 on your tmp please and tell me if it helps

unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; find ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ;
yes ; fsck ; umount ; sleep

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