This include example and full diff's below as well.

May be this is a waist of time, but will see.

Some say they needs some details, then here is an example, and this took me only about 30 minutes or so from start to finish, including getting the source tree.

Doesn't mean it will be pick up, but it sure is not that hard to do and doesn't need years of experience.

Start by getting the tree:

Some example on how to get the tree:

Then pick something you want to work on or do. Previously explain as well as an easy example. Just style (9)

man 9 style

Just as an example, pick:

1. Use a space after keywords (if, while, for, return, switch).

or may be even:

2. Indentation is an 8 character tab.  Second level indents are four spaces.

or even:

3. Do not add whitespace at the end of a line, and only use tabs followed by spaces to form the indentation. Do not use more spaces than a tab will produce and do not use spaces in front of tabs.

Or anything else to start with that you want.

Then go from there. Use what ever editor you want and go hunting.

Just as an example, I will hunt for <space>...<space><tab>

I just pick anything.

Just for the sake of argument or example, I pick the first one:

/usr/src/bin/csh/init.c for fun. and look for the above.

Then you create a diff from that from your favorite cvs, or the one you downloaded the source from obviously.

Just as an example, I did it form one find in the explications page pointed out in the URL above. You email the diff to you, check it out to make sure it does look right and then you can forward it to the list with explications of what it does. Try to keep it simple and small as this is easiest and will most likely get picked up faster and specially if you address one thing only per diff, it make it that much easier for the devs to check.

Then if it is good, it will be put in and if not, then it will be ignore.

So, I did the diff's for the file I just checked above and as you can see, there is plenty of corrections that can be done here and needs no brain to do it really, but can help make the code cleaner over time and just follow the style 9:

cvs -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs diff -upN init.c HEAD | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Write the email and in this case, this is only and 100% style 9 for <space><tab> replacement only for code alignment in the source. Nothing else. Use proper title and put some details as to what this diff's for.

Here, it is a diff for style 9 only on /usr/src/bin/csh/init.c.

Not very exciting for sure, but never the less may well be picked up and put in by someone that fell it's important to respect the style 9 in the source and so far it is. But that's not an important diff's either. So, it may well be picked up right away, or in a few months, or not at all.

Then you wait for the diff's to be put in, for you to get feedback, or been told you are not doing it right and here is what you should do.

Word of caution as well. You may get very dry feedback as well if your diff is bad. Just be ready to receive it and keep going, or work it again to make it better.

So, this got you the following diff's.

Hope this help anyone that wants to help a bit and say they do not know how to do it.

Best regards,



Index: init.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/bin/csh/init.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -p -r1.6 init.c
--- init.c      2003/06/23 16:42:15     1.6
+++ init.c      2007/11/03 23:08:07
@@ -47,86 +47,86 @@ static char rcsid[] = "$OpenBSD: init.c,

 struct biltins bfunc[] =
-    { "@",           dolet,          0, INF  },
-    { "alias",               doalias,        0, INF  },
-    { "alloc",               showall,        0, 1    },
-    { "bg",          dobg,           0, INF  },
-    { "break",               dobreak,        0, 0    },
-    { "breaksw",     doswbrk,        0, 0    },
-    { "case",                dozip,          0, 1    },
-    { "cd",          dochngd,        0, INF  },
-    { "chdir",               dochngd,        0, INF  },
-    { "continue",    docontin,       0, 0    },
-    { "default",     dozip,          0, 0    },
-    { "dirs",                dodirs,         0, INF  },
-    { "echo",                doecho,         0, INF  },
-    { "else",                doelse,         0, INF  },
-    { "end",                 doend,          0, 0    },
-    { "endif",               dozip,          0, 0    },
-    { "endsw",               dozip,          0, 0    },
-    { "eval",                doeval,         0, INF  },
-    { "exec",                execash,        1, INF  },
-    { "exit",                doexit,         0, INF  },
-    { "fg",          dofg,           0, INF  },
-    { "foreach",     doforeach,      3, INF  },
-    { "glob",                doglob,         0, INF  },
-    { "goto",                dogoto,         1, 1    },
-    { "hashstat",    hashstat,       0, 0    },
-    { "history",     dohist,         0, 2    },
-    { "if",          doif,           1, INF  },
-    { "jobs",                dojobs,         0, 1    },
-    { "kill",                dokill,         1, INF  },
-    { "limit",               dolimit,        0, 3    },
-    { "linedit",     doecho,         0, INF  },
-    { "login",               dologin,        0, 1    },
-    { "logout",      dologout,       0, 0    },
-    { "nice",                donice,         0, INF  },
-    { "nohup",               donohup,        0, INF  },
-    { "notify",      donotify,       0, INF  },
-    { "onintr",      doonintr,       0, 2    },
-    { "popd",                dopopd,         0, INF  },
-    { "pushd",               dopushd,        0, INF  },
-    { "rehash",      dohash,         0, 0    },
-    { "repeat",      dorepeat,       2, INF  },
-    { "set",                 doset,          0, INF  },
-    { "setenv",      dosetenv,       0, 2    },
-    { "shift",               shift,          0, 1    },
-    { "source",      dosource,       1, 2    },
-    { "stop",                dostop,         1, INF  },
-    { "suspend",     dosuspend,      0, 0    },
-    { "switch",      doswitch,       1, INF  },
-    { "time",                dotime,         0, INF  },
-    { "umask",               doumask,        0, 1    },
-    { "unalias",     unalias,        1, INF  },
-    { "unhash",      dounhash,       0, 0    },
-    { "unlimit",     dounlimit,      0, INF  },
-    { "unset",               unset,          1, INF  },
-    { "unsetenv",    dounsetenv,     1, INF  },
-    { "wait",                dowait,         0, 0    },
-    { "which",               dowhich,        1, INF  },
-    { "while",               dowhile,        1, INF  }
+    { "@",           dolet,          0, INF  },
+    { "alias",               doalias,        0, INF  },
+    { "alloc",               showall,        0, 1    },
+    { "bg",          dobg,           0, INF  },
+    { "break",               dobreak,        0, 0    },
+    { "breaksw",     doswbrk,        0, 0    },
+    { "case",                dozip,          0, 1    },
+    { "cd",          dochngd,        0, INF  },
+    { "chdir",               dochngd,        0, INF  },
+    { "continue",    docontin,       0, 0    },
+    { "default",     dozip,          0, 0    },
+    { "dirs",                dodirs,         0, INF  },
+    { "echo",                doecho,         0, INF  },
+    { "else",                doelse,         0, INF  },
+    { "end",         doend,          0, 0    },
+    { "endif",               dozip,          0, 0    },
+    { "endsw",               dozip,          0, 0    },
+    { "eval",                doeval,         0, INF  },
+    { "exec",                execash,        1, INF  },
+    { "exit",                doexit,         0, INF  },
+    { "fg",          dofg,           0, INF  },
+    { "foreach",     doforeach,      3, INF  },
+    { "glob",                doglob,         0, INF  },
+    { "goto",                dogoto,         1, 1    },
+    { "hashstat",    hashstat,       0, 0    },
+    { "history",     dohist,         0, 2    },
+    { "if",          doif,           1, INF  },
+    { "jobs",                dojobs,         0, 1    },
+    { "kill",                dokill,         1, INF  },
+    { "limit",               dolimit,        0, 3    },
+    { "linedit",     doecho,         0, INF  },
+    { "login",               dologin,        0, 1    },
+    { "logout",              dologout,       0, 0    },
+    { "nice",                donice,         0, INF  },
+    { "nohup",               donohup,        0, INF  },
+    { "notify",              donotify,       0, INF  },
+    { "onintr",              doonintr,       0, 2    },
+    { "popd",                dopopd,         0, INF  },
+    { "pushd",               dopushd,        0, INF  },
+    { "rehash",              dohash,         0, 0    },
+    { "repeat",              dorepeat,       2, INF  },
+    { "set",         doset,          0, INF  },
+    { "setenv",              dosetenv,       0, 2    },
+    { "shift",               shift,          0, 1    },
+    { "source",              dosource,       1, 2    },
+    { "stop",                dostop,         1, INF  },
+    { "suspend",     dosuspend,      0, 0    },
+    { "switch",              doswitch,       1, INF  },
+    { "time",                dotime,         0, INF  },
+    { "umask",               doumask,        0, 1    },
+    { "unalias",     unalias,        1, INF  },
+    { "unhash",              dounhash,       0, 0    },
+    { "unlimit",     dounlimit,      0, INF  },
+    { "unset",               unset,          1, INF  },
+    { "unsetenv",    dounsetenv,     1, INF  },
+    { "wait",                dowait,         0, 0    },
+    { "which",               dowhich,        1, INF  },
+    { "while",               dowhile,        1, INF  }
 int     nbfunc = sizeof bfunc / sizeof *bfunc;

 struct srch srchn[] =
-    { "@",           T_LET           },
-    { "break",               T_BREAK         },
-    { "breaksw",     T_BRKSW         },
-    { "case",                T_CASE          },
-    { "default",     T_DEFAULT       },
-    { "else",                T_ELSE          },
-    { "end",                 T_END           },
-    { "endif",               T_ENDIF         },
-    { "endsw",               T_ENDSW         },
-    { "exit",                T_EXIT          },
-    { "foreach",     T_FOREACH       },
-    { "goto",                T_GOTO          },
-    { "if",          T_IF            },
-    { "label",               T_LABEL         },
-    { "set",                 T_SET           },
-    { "switch",      T_SWITCH        },
-    { "while",               T_WHILE         }
+    { "@",           T_LET           },
+    { "break",               T_BREAK         },
+    { "breaksw",     T_BRKSW         },
+    { "case",                T_CASE          },
+    { "default",     T_DEFAULT       },
+    { "else",                T_ELSE          },
+    { "end",         T_END           },
+    { "endif",               T_ENDIF         },
+    { "endsw",               T_ENDSW         },
+    { "exit",                T_EXIT          },
+    { "foreach",     T_FOREACH       },
+    { "goto",                T_GOTO          },
+    { "if",          T_IF            },
+    { "label",               T_LABEL         },
+    { "set",         T_SET           },
+    { "switch",              T_SWITCH        },
+    { "while",               T_WHILE         }
 int     nsrchn = sizeof srchn / sizeof *srchn;

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