On 2007 Oct 31, at 8:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 > surely there  must be _some_ merit  to creating a list  of lower
 > level development tasks (as dictated by those with experience to
 > judge) to encourage people to enter the development cycle.

First,  you're  assuming that  there  exists  amongst the  OpenBSD
developers a desire ``to encourage people to enter the development
cycle.'' I kinda doubt that that's the case. More developers often
isn't a good  thing; see ``The Mythical Man-Month''  for a popular
treament of the problem.

But,  if you're  serious,  one good  way would  be  to follow  the
changes made to the code -- after all, that's the whole point of a
public CVS repository. When you find  something that you can point
to and  say, ``I know  why so-and-so did  that,'' then you  can go
looking  for  other  things  that  would  benefit  from  the  same

And if  you don't understand why  the changes are being  made, you
need to improve your coding skills to the point that you do.



[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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