On 10/31/07, n0g0013 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 31.10-09:53, Theo de Raadt wrote: > [ ... ] > > There is no community that you speak of. > > that much is apparent. > > > There are people who write diffs, and people who _don't_ write diffs. > > > > In that sub-group of people who don't write diffs, there are a few who > > whine loudly and say we are the reason why. Boo hoo. > > i do write diffs. i have never suggested that you (or any other > developer on this list) are a motivating factor in that, positive or > negative. the fact that i haven't yet writen an openbsd diffs is a > seperate issue. > > quite what all this has to do with whether the janitor list is > productive or not is beyond me.
There is a list as pointed out by others. As evidenced by your ubiquitous emails on the subject, I'll put it simply: you don't get it, nor will you probably ever get it. An important theme of OpenBSD is simplicity, in this case that is applied by simply coding, not adding complexity to the situation by writing endless emails to a mailing list. Greg -- Ticketmaster and Ticketweb suck, but everyone knows that: http://ticketmastersucks.org http://lodesertprotosites.org Dethink to survive - Mclusky