Han is some asshole who comes onto our list about every 2-3 weeks and
spouts some very vague bullshit to distract people.  He wants every
argument to become a vague license argument.  He refuses to leave our
lists.  At times, I have times wished that someone would go visit him
in person and shut him up.  I find it hard to admit this, but people
as uneducated and rude as him are rare.

> Look at it, he is quoting me out of context. That's not a silly
> escape, that's a fact. Maybe to you quoting out of context is a
> legitimate way to fight a discussion, to me it's not.
> Felipe Scarel wrote:
> > Is that all you can say to defend your point of view? If you are wrong
> > (and you probably are), you should admit it, not repeat "quote out of
> > context" as a silly escape.
> # Han

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