On Fri, 6 Oct 2006 03:50:38 +0159, Han Boetes wrote: >In my world freedom is something you have to fight for, otherwise >it gets taken away. Putting a limit on your freedoms is a good >thing.
Bullshit! Now don't quote me that specious crap about how free speech is limited by no freedom to falsely cry "Fire!" in a crowded theatre. That is the refuge of philosophy 101 students or shitheads who only advance it so that they can gloat about the stupidity of someone who did not recognise the trick. You are free to spout whatever crap you espouse. You <yourself> never fought for that right but I won't deny you that right. Somebody may call you to account for abusing that freedom. Like now. Your puerile confusion of freedoms of speech or thought with free software (as we know it) does not do more than deomonstrate your lack of maturity and a need for some training of your brain's crap detector. If it is not atrophied, that is. I was an IBM Linux instructor until a couple of years ago and I can tell you for certain that your (wishful) thinking about why they (IBM) espouse Linux is wildly astray. Try again. But not here, please. You have woffled on too long and I am waeried of watching your twaddle go by. <plonk> <EOF> >From the land "down under": Australia. Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over? Do NOT CC me - I am subscribed to the list. Replies to the sender address will fail except from the list-server. Your IP address will also be greytrapped for 24 hours after any attempt. I am continually amazed by the people who run OpenBSD who don't take this advice. I always expected a smarter class. I guess not.