Is that all you can say to defend your point of view? If you are wrong
(and you probably are), you should admit it, not repeat "quote out of
context" as a silly escape.

On 10/6/06, Han Boetes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
quote out of context

Rod.. Whitworth wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Oct 2006 03:50:38 +0159, Han Boetes wrote:
> > In my world freedom is something you have to fight for, otherwise
> > it gets taken away. Putting a limit on your freedoms is a good
> > thing.
> Bullshit!
> Now don't quote me that specious crap about how free speech is limited
> by no freedom to falsely cry "Fire!" in a crowded theatre.
> That is the refuge of philosophy 101 students or shitheads who only
> advance it so that they can gloat about the stupidity of someone who
> did not recognise the trick.
> You are free to spout whatever crap you espouse. You <yourself> never
> fought for that right but I won't deny you that right.
> Somebody may call you to account for abusing that freedom.
> Like now.
> Your puerile confusion of freedoms of speech or thought with free
> software (as we know it) does not do more than deomonstrate your lack
> of maturity and a need for some training of your brain's crap detector.
> If it is not atrophied, that is.
> I was an IBM Linux instructor until a couple of years ago and I can
> tell you for certain that your (wishful) thinking about why they (IBM)
> espouse Linux is wildly astray. Try again.
> But not here, please. You have woffled on too long and I am waeried of
> watching your twaddle go by.
> <plonk>
> <EOF>
> From the land "down under": Australia.
> Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over?
> Do NOT CC me - I am subscribed to the list.
> Replies to the sender address will fail except from the list-server.
> Your IP address will also be greytrapped for 24 hours after any
> attempt.
> I am continually amazed by the people who run OpenBSD who don't take
> this advice. I always expected a smarter class. I guess not.

# Han


 Felipe Brant Scarel
 PATUX/OpenBSD Project Leader (

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