On 2020-06-26, Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs> wrote:
>>> On 2020-06-24, Aaron Mason <simplersolut...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Auto filesystem repair is bad juju.
>> On 2020-06-25 11:17, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> Nonsense. For many, the possible downsides of automatically running
>> fsck -y are much less a problem than the downsides of *not* running it.
> Some time ago I wrote here on misc@ about read-only setup, where I 
> intended to modify rc(8) in order to be able to relink kernel before 
> mounting filesystems read-only, and - if I remember correctly - I was 
> warned never to modify rc(8) directly as it's considered as part of base 
> system, and I should only affect it with rc.local, which I did.
> Is there a way to run fsck -y automatically without modifying rc(8)? Is 
> modifying rc(8) now supported?

No, you still need to modify rc to do that, so you need to remember to
reinstate it after updating. It would be nice if that wasn't needed but
diffs to make it configurable have never been approved.

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