On 5/7/19 8:32 AM, Dumitru Moldovan wrote:
> On Sun, May 05, 2019 at 05:05:11PM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>>Consus wrote on Fri, May 03, 2019 at 02:24:10PM +0300:
>>> Maybe it's a good idea to note this on the upgrade page? Something like
>>> "the upgrade procedure may leave some files behing; you can manually
>>> clean them up using sysclean package"?
> [...]
>>For example, it is definitely useful to remove stale Perl libraries.
>>It is also useful for stale header files if you compile software
>>from source.  It is useful (but not terribly important) for stale
>>manual pages.  It is usually detrimental for old versions of shared
>>libraries, unless you are *really* short on disk space (which is getting
>>less common nowadays) *and* you are very careful.
>>For most use cases, we do not recommend using sysclean.
> I think there's a less common scenario not covered in this thread.
> Suppose you have locally-compiled binaries, linked to previous versions
> of libraries, belonging to an older version of the OS.  Those libs will
> never get patched after you upgrade, so any vulnerabilities they expose
> will remain exploitable in the binaries linked to them.

Ok, I admire your confidence that the problem in your local binaries
are the OpenBSD libraries. :D

This swings both ways.  When doing an upgrade, if the upgrade deleted
all those libraries BEFORE you had a chance to upgrade that binary, it
would quit working.  While I'm all for "Fail Closed", it might be
premature to call it a failure.  Or not.

It is very hard to please all, and even harder to cover all possible


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