Strahil Nikolov wrote:

> On May 3, 2019 10:49:55 PM GMT+03:00, Nick Holland 
> <> \
> wrote:
> > On 5/2/19 1:52 AM, Consus wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I've upgraded my systems from 6.4 to 6.5 without a glitch, but I see
> > > that /etc/networks and some other files (like malloc.conf.5) are
> > still
> > > present, although there is no use for them in the new release.
> > > 
> > > Is there a reason why these files are not listed in "FIles to
> > remove"?
> > > Is there a way to track them? It's not like something gonna break,
> > but
> > > old configuration files (and manual pages) lying around can make
> > > someone's life harder during the debug session.
> > 
> > There is no promise that an upgraded machine will be file-for-file
> > identical to a fresh install.  Here is the list of problems this might
> > cause you, as you can see, it's a long list and quite horrible:
> > 
> > * If you use the same hw for 20 years, you might run out of disk space?
> > 
> > Ok, not very long and not very horrible.
> > 
> > You are trying to solve a non-problem.  And sometimes, 'specially on an
> > upgraded machine, it's great to see how things WERE when the machine
> > was
> > set up.  If you really care, go ahead, delete stuff.
> > 
> > Nick.
> Hi All,
> As I linux guy (my experience in openBSD can be easily measured in days)
> I can share the view  of less experienced user that was planing  to
> upgrade from 6.4 to 6.5 and that eneded with a full reinstall.

I just upgraded 18 servers running mission critical network
infrastructure and services for a research group of 150 people.
Everything went without a glitch. Some of the servers have been
continuously upgraded since OpenBSD 5.4. That is a solid 5 years which
is a typical lifespan of a production server. 

Just as a comparison, I am still afraid to upgrade dozen or so file
servers and jail hosts running FreeBSD 11.2 to 12.0 in-spite of root on
the ZFS mirror and beadm. I typically wait at least year and a half
after initial release of Red Hat to do fresh re-installation of our
computing nodes. Red Hat as you know doesn't support upgrade between the
major releases. Ubuntu (deep learning guys love that crap) upgrade from
16.04 to 18.04 should not be attempted on the production server. On the
top of it network stack on Ubuntu 18.04 is completely broken (at lease
running as Xen DomU. I was too afraid to try on our AWS instances).

> I tried to update a VM (stock setup) with a 10 GB disk from 6.4 to 6.5
> and thus it seemed that booting from the 6.5 DVD will do the trick.
> Sadly the installer never checked the avalable space , but just started
> to do it's stuff until reporting that not enough space is available.
> Why did the installer allow installation despite the available space is
> low ( even windows checks available space :) )???
> Why should the end-user delete old unnecessary/problematic files ?

Because Theo's misplaced his crystal ball and without it, it's
impossible for him to tell which of your files are old and unnecessary
and which once are your local modifications and important data files. 

> Usually we do have package management system to take care of that (or at
> least to rename those files in case we really need them).
> For me, system upgrade is a very complicated  and  error prone
> procedure.

Just move on. Stick to what you know and feel comfortable working with.


> P.S.: No offence here, just sharing my thoughts.
> Best Regards,
> Strahil Nikolov

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