Hi Chris,

Chris Cappuccio wrote on Thu, May 02, 2019 at 12:08:07PM -0700:
> Ingo Schwarze [schwa...@usta.de] wrote:

>> It might be a good idea to do
>>   # rm -rf /usr/share/man/* /usr/X11R6/man/*
>> immediately before an upgrade.

> I go one step further, and rm -rf /usr/include /usr/share /usr/X11R6
> before a new snapshot is applied. This is a bit overkill

That may well be adequate for your personal needs, though we certainly
can't make that the default.  In particular, you are deleting
/usr/X11R6/lib/ which means that many installed packages stop
working, and also private programs that you may have compiled from

Sure, you should run "pkg_add -u" anyway, and also recompile whatever
you compiled by hand.  All the same, for the average user, the
expectation is that doing an upgrade will usually *not* result in
programs linked against old libraries being broken - except, of
course, in the case of major flag days described in upgrade*.html
and current.html.


> but it's easier than trying to remember what subdirectories to
> include during any given release transition.

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