On 15:08 Thu 02 May, Ingo Schwarze wrote: > Hi Nick, > > Nick Holland wrote on Thu, May 02, 2019 at 08:04:32AM -0400: > > > There is no promise that an upgraded machine will be file-for-file > > identical to a fresh install. Here is the list of problems this might > > cause you, as you can see, it's a long list and quite horrible: > > > > * If you use the same hw for 20 years, you might run out of disk space? > > > > Ok, not very long and not very horrible. > > > > You are trying to solve a non-problem. And sometimes, 'specially on an > > upgraded machine, it's great to see how things WERE when the machine was > > set up. If you really care, go ahead, delete stuff. > > There is (at least) one slight issue that doesn't have an official > solution yet: manual pages. > > It might be a good idea to do > > # rm -rf /usr/share/man/* /usr/X11R6/man/* > > immediately before an upgrade. > > If you don't do that, man(1) might serve you stale manual pages > afterwards that were removed from the sets, containing information > that no longer applies. > > All the same, so far, we don't officially recommend it, and even i > usually forget about it when doing upgrades. > > Should that be automated? Or are there risks of downsides or side > effects? I'm not sure. Either way, it's hardly a very serious > problem, it's merely slightly annoying. > > Yours, > Ingo
Maybe it's a good idea to note this on the upgrade page? Something like "the upgrade procedure may leave some files behing; you can manually clean them up using sysclean package"?