On 2019-05-02, Consus <con...@ftml.net> wrote:
> On 10:27 Thu 02 May, Markus Hennecke wrote:
>> Am 02.05.2019 um 09:52 schrieb Consus:
>> > I've upgraded my systems from 6.4 to 6.5 without a glitch, but I see
>> > that /etc/networks and some other files (like malloc.conf.5) are still
>> > present, although there is no use for them in the new release.
>> > 
>> > Is there a reason why these files are not listed in "FIles to remove"?
>> > Is there a way to track them? It's not like something gonna break, but
>> > old configuration files (and manual pages) lying around can make
>> > someone's life harder during the debug session.
>> Take a look at the sysutils/sysclean port.
> That's pretty much how I discovered this. But I want to know the
> "official" way. Maybe there is a reason why e.g. perl files are to be
> removed, but man pages are not.

The upgrade notes only list files which are likely to cause a problem if
they're left lying around.

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